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Good food and nutrition – healthy eating at Caterpillars

Being healthy

  • Eat breakfast every day
  • Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables
  • Choose snacks that will provide nutrients to compliment what is eaten during meals
  • Drink plenty of fluids
  • Be physically active
  • Brush teeth twice a day and visit your dentist regularly


The importance of mealtimes

Ideally children should look forward and get excited about family mealtimes. They should be encouraged, not forced, to try and eat a variety of foods. Adults need to be positive role models and encourage to eat new foods.

Ideas for healthy snacks

  • Cut fruit into bitesize chunks, slices of apple, pear, satsumas, bananas, kiwi, melon, strawberries, peaches, and plums.
  • Raw vegetables, carrot, pepper, cucumber, tomatoes, courgetti and broccoli.
  • Toast, bagels, rolls, wraps, pitta breads, mini sandwiches with marmite, cheese, tuna, meat slice and hummus.
  • Bread slice and soft cheese dip
  • Homemade pizza slices
  • Oatcakes, rice cakes, crispbread with toppings such as mashes avocado or cream cheese
  • Yoghurt, fromage frais with fruit
  • English muffins, plain or cheese scones, potato bread, crumpets, and popcorn

Every child deserves a healthy start in life.

Getting the balance right in a young child’s diet can have a positive impact for long term health.