We asked our families what their favourite songs and rhymes were. These are the top 10! Wind the bobbin up The Grand Old Duke of York Round and round the garden Row, row, row your boat Twinkle twinkle Wheels on the bus Head, shoulders, knees and toes Sleeping bunnies...
Chinese New Year
Today, we celebrated Chinese New Year, the year of the snake! We spent the morning painting snakes, drawing Chinese numbers in the rice, painting Chinese numbers, tasting minatamis na bao coconut spread and eating a delicious Chinese lunch!
Apple and Milk tasting
This morning, the children had the opportunity to taste different apples and different milks. They tried; Oat milk Soya milk Strawberry milk Chocolate milk Almond milk Coconut milk Granny smith apples Golden del apples Gala apples Seasonal apples Cooking apples The...
Newsletter January 2025
Welcome back after the Christmas holidays. This term, we are looking at mathematical awareness, literature, songs, rhymes and different genres of music. Colyton Caterpillars Newsletter January 2025
Top 20 books
We asked our families what their favourite books were to share. These are the top 20 books! The highway rat The gruffalo The very hungry caterpillar Each peach pear plum Elmer The tiger who came to tea Kung fu cow Hairy maclary from donaldson dairy That’s not my… Dear...
Christmas Lunch With Father Christmas
Today we had a lovely Christmas dinner with a special visitor from Father Christmas.
November Newsletter 2024
Welcome back after half term. This term, we are looking at construction, festivals and being creative. Colyton Caterpillars Newsletter November 2024
Harvest lunch
The children enjoyed a Harvest lunch today. They also enjoyed role play farms, digging and Autumn activities!
Staff well being and posture workshop
This week, the staff took a visit to Fitagain gym in Colyton for a strength and posture workshop.
Visit from the Police
This morning, we had a visit from our local Police Officers who talked to the children about items they carry in their jackets, safety and what they do. The children even had the chance to have a look inside the police car, beep the horn and turn on the sirens!!
September 2024 Newsletter
Welcome back after the Summer holidays, this term we are looking at maths in the environment, traditional tales and expanding our language. Colyton Caterpillars Newsletter September 24
September 2023 newsletter
Welcome back after the Summer holidays, this term we are looking at nature, our local environment, coastlines and celebrations in our community and beyond. View our September 2023 newsletter here.