November 2022 newsletter

November 2022 newsletter

Welcome back after half term, this half term we are focusing on the Winter celebrations and embracing all the wonderful traditional tales. View our November 2022 newsletter here.

September 2022 newsletter

September 2022 newsletter

Welcome back after a wonderful summer holiday, this half term we are focusing on the seasons, and all about me, families, and the amazing Autumn Celebrations. View our September 2022 newsletter here.

We’re going on a Bear Hunt Week

We’re going on a Bear Hunt Week

The children really enjoyed looking at the Bear Hunt story book and exploring and taking part in all the different Bear hunt themed activities. The children loved making binoculars and using them to see if they could find the bear. They really enjoyed taking part in...

Our trip to Millers Farm Shop

Our trip to Millers Farm Shop

The children loved our trip to Millers Farm shop. They enjoyed having a drink and some toast in the café, looking around the shop picking out a pumpkin each, looking around the sunflower field and picking a sunflower to bring home! [gallery link="file" size="large"...

Pirate Day

Pirate Day

Our book of the week this week has been Go Go Pirate Boat. To tie in with this we had a pirate day at forest School on Tuesday. We did lots of themed activities including Walking the plank, building a pirate ship, A treasure hunt around the garden and hanging the...

Baking cakes with Hannah

Baking cakes with Hannah

Today the children enjoyed baking cakes with Hannah. They counted the spoons of ingredients as they took turns the put them in the bowl and mix. View as a PDF.

Celebrating the Jubilee with Doveridge

Celebrating the Jubilee with Doveridge

The Children enjoyed making and decorating cards, sea glass jars for flowers for their friends at Doveridge. Some of the children then delivered these to Doveridge spending some time with their friends there, talking and learning about the Queen and her family....

Forest school with Bea

Forest school with Bea

The children loved taking part in this week’s forest school session, they went on a sensory walk and found some wild garlic, which they brought back to Caterpillars and used to make some garlic butter! Yummy! [gallery link="file" size="large"...

March 2022 newsletter

March 2022 newsletter

Welcome back, after half term ,this half terms focus will be on the world around us ,the weather and our local community! View our March 2022 newsletter here.

Pond dipping

Pond dipping

As part of forest school today some of the children went pond dipping in the river Coly. We took a walk down to the river, had a picnic for snack time and completed a checklist with what we had found. We found lots of tadpoles and some tiny fish. The children really...

Baby Orchestra

Baby Orchestra

Thursdays 10:00-10:45 Learning songs and Rhymes Exploring instruments Listening to different sounds and music For children in the Cocoon Room Ages 0 – 18 months. View as a PDF.